Reminder: We have moved to 638 Highland Ave, Fort Thomas at 10:15am

No Sunday Worship at 333 Warner Street

CTKI-Practical Evangelism

evangelism-framed image

Every Sunday until October 13, 2024

9:00am – 10:00am

Category: CTKI

Taught by Da Yu!

God must be worshiped. He has orchestrated events throughout history to achieve his purpose. He has chosen to use us - His believers - in His master plan to convert sinners. Jesus mandated the great commission to make disciples in all nations. We must obey Him. This class will explain how UCWF reaches international students with simple hospitality and practical apologetics. The goal is to equip you so you can live in greater obedience to Him.

Come to the first 2 weeks if you want to be encouraged and learn how to support. Come to all or most of them if you want to know how to engage directly.

Please register here.